TULASI DEVI The care of Tulasi Breeding of Tulasi Contact

The Tulasi plant (holy basil, Indian basil or also king's basil) is a quite special and holy plant. Her natural habitat is tropical and subtropical Asia (India, China, Thailand) as well as northern Australia. Tulasi is a very strong medicinal plant which is especially estimated not only in the probably oldest medical science Ayurveda. Among others the remedial effects are:


- Regulation of the blood circulation

- Strengthening of the heart

- Strengthening of the respiration

- Relaxing and reassuringly

- Cleansing


Tulasi is already revered since millenniums as a goddess (DEVI). Nearly every temple in India is lined with one or several Tulasi plants. In the hinduism tradition Tulasi is in very close relation with the god KRISHNA, who loves her very much. So it is more than a special blessing if a Tulasi plant grows at a place.

To promote the spreading of Tulasi, I offer on the following internet pages experiences about the posture and care of a Tulasi plant as well as experiences how one can breed Tulasi.


I wish a lot of pleasure while reading and implementing.


Kind regards and I take a bow to TULASI DEVI

Timo Wagner


Examples of strong Tulasis (simply click)

  TULASI DEVI     The care of Tulasi     Breeding of Tulasi     Contact 

                    Timo Wagner